College of Health Sciences

Minutes for CAC Meeting

October 21, 2009


Presiding:  Dr. Paxton Oliver

Recording: Ms. Beverly Jarrell


The College Administrative Council (CAC) met in the Dean’s conference room.  Dr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Present:  Dr. Paxton Oliver, Mr. Brett Bennett, Ms. Patty Calk, Dr. Jessica Dolecheck, Ms. Emily Doughty, Dr. Judy Fellows, Dr. Florencetta Gibson, Ms. Beverly Jarrell, and Ms. Debbie Wisenor.

Not present (excused):  Dean Denny Ryman and Dr. Johanna Boult.


·         Announcements.  Debbie Wisenor announced that the Clinical Laboratory Science site visit will be held on March 11 and 12, 2010. Also there will be a blood drive Tuesday through Friday, October 27-30.


·         Initiative Related to Alumni Recruiters.   Dr. Fellows reported that she and the Dean are working on an initiative related to selecting Alumni to serve as recruiters for the different programs in the COHS. Contact information for the alumni in each of the programs has been obtained in an electronic format. The electronic file is being subdivided into an electronic file for each department which will be sent to each Department Head. Department Heads are asked to review their list and select alumni from various regions throughout the United States who can be contacted to determine their interest in serving as alumni recruiters for the COHS and that department. Alumni from south Louisiana and all regions of the United States are needed. Lists of potential alumni recruiters to contact are to be sent to the Dean and Dr. Fellows. An on-line training program may be developed to help these alumni tell our story.


·         COHS Health Fair Committee Discussion.  The Nursing faculty who teach the community courses are planning a Student Health Fair on November 14 and an Employee Health Fair in the spring.  Dr. Gibson would like this to evolve into a college event with the involvement of faculty and students from all of the health science programs.  Dr. Oliver suggested that Dr. Gibson write a one page summary of what this would entail and the purpose.


·         Mobile Unit Reservation Form.  Dr. Fellows presented three forms for consideration.  Two forms recommended were: a Reservation Request Form and a Composite Summary of Services.  The Reservation Request Form would be used when reserving the Mobile Unit.  The Composite Summary of Services would document the number of clients seen on the Unit.  Following approval from the Dean, these forms will be put on the COHS website.   Reservation forms should be submitted to Sandra Barton who will coordinate the usage of the mobile unit.  The completed Composite Summary of Services form should be turned in with the keys.