Discussion Questions: Full List

1. Compare and contrast the March (February) and November (October) Revolutions on 1917.  What were the major features of both?  How did the various political factions change over time?

2. Compare the collapse of the Russian monarchy with the collapse of the provisional government. What were the factors for the two governments to lose power?

3. How different was the collapse of Russia from that of the USSR?  How did the media respond to each?

4. What were the reasons why the Bolshevik’s succeeded ultimately in seizing power in 1917?

5. Who were some of the major figures involved in the 1917 Revolution?  Did these figures remain after the government was formed?

6. What were the major of the intellectual influences on the Revolutionaries?

7. List some of the revolutions that have occurred in other countries since 1789.  What are some of their major features?  What were there long-term results?

8. War and revolutions often result in inflation for all stakeholders.  What economic impact did the Revolutions have in Russia?

9. How were the new post-Czarist governments received around the world?  What was the diplomatic relations with the US after the Revolution?

10. With the tearing down of social classes, Russian society underwent significant changes during and after the Revolution.  What impact did the Revolution have on women’s rights?  What about non-Russian nationalities?

11. Russian music and film came to serve the state after the Revolution, though they were also innovative.  Have you ever listened to or watched any of these?  Describe your experiences.   

12. Create your own timeline for the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

13. Could the Russian Revolution have happened without World War I occurring first?  How important was the failed Revolution of 1905?

14. Select any of the New York Times articles found herein.  Summarize that article.  How different do you think the writer of that article would feel about Russia today?

15. Locate one of the PDF books herein.  Write a book review using the JSTOR reviews as an example.

16. Summarize the lectures (Seeds’s) of the Revolution found herein.  What are the major points?

17. List the major political factions in Russia during 1917.  What did each advocate?

18. List the major nationalities groups in the Russian Empire in 1917.  To what extent would each find American President Woodrow Wilson’s call for national self-determination appealing?

19. In the years that followed 1917, what meaning have historians and governments given to the Russian Revolution?

20. How did Western European and American intellectuals view the Russian Revolution of 1917?

21. How did the Russian Revolution of 1917 help give rise to the “Red Scare” in the United States?

22. What impact might images of 1917 have on Russian peasants?

23. To what extent did the Russian Provisional government save the Allies by continuing the war?

24. To what extent was Lenin aided by the Germans?  What motivated the Germans to help Lenin?

25. In what ways did Lenin modify Marxist ideology by leading the Bolsheviks to power in 1917?

26. What type of government did Russia have traditionally?


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