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Contact Information  
Tina Allen
Coordinator of Field Experiences & Teacher Candidacy
Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction
College of Education and Human Development
Strauss 228
Office Phone: 318/342-1271
Tina Allen
Tina Allen

Office Hours, Fall 2011
Monday - 1:00 - 4:00
Tuesday - 1:00 - 4:00
Thursday - 1:00 - 5:00
Friday - 
*also available by appointment

Course Schedule: Fall 2011
  • CURR 4084, Mon. 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • CURR 2085, Tue/Thu 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Resources for TaskStream items

TaskStream Guidance

The following table is intended to give you guidance as you complete the items needed for TaskStream.  I put this together based on the questions that I received from past student teachers and/or confusion I noticed in some submitted documents.  It is a work in progress.  Check back regularly to see if I have made any additions or corrections.  If you notice a mistake, please email me so that I can fix it. 

ItemDirections/GuidanceSubmit ToEvaluation Method
Activity LogsAt the end of each week, be sure that the time listed on your lesson plans (hard copy and Word document) accurately reflects the time you spent on the lesson and that it matches the time listed on your activity logs.  If there are discrepancies, change it either on the lesson plan or the activity log to be sure they match.  

After you have verified they match, fill in the time in the activity log in Clinical & Field Experiences area in TastStream for the week your have just completed.  Be sure the time you enter matches the time on the hard copy in your notebook.  Do not submit until you have completed times for all four weeks needed to that submission.

At the end of the 4 weeks period, submit the lesson plans and activity logs to your university supervisor.
Your University SupervisorMeets/Does Not Meet Requirements
Classroom Management Plan
included as part of showcase portfolio
Click here to download instructions in Word document
Educational Philosophy
included as part of showcase portfolio
Click here to download instructions in Word document
A good website for help is Writing a Philosophy of Teaching Statement and Guidance on Writing a Philosophy of Teaching Statement
Teacher Work Sample The Teacher Work Sample is a one-to six-week body or unit of instruction focusing on one subject area for a group of students.  The content of a Work Sample usually includes: a description of the classroom context and the students being taught; the plans for instruction and assignment aligned with the learning outcomes desired; the teaching of the content; and the collection, interpretation, and reflection on evidence of student progress. 

The work sample you submit must cover a minimum of a 5- day period.  Complete and submit the following items for your unit of instruction.

I recommend you read the rubric carefully to understand exactly how you will be evaluated in order to be sure you provide evidence to support all areas.
Your University SupervisorRubric
Professional Growth Plan (PGP)Click here to download instructions in Word document
Click here to download a Sample PGP in the same format used in TaskStream.
Your University SupervisorRubric
Video Critique

This entry is a self-critique/analysis of your performance in the classroom. Video tape yourself teaching an entire lesson from beginning to end –so that the lesson includes all of the components of effective teaching.  This video must be from your current student teaching placement.

·         After you have video taped the lesson, review the tape and write a critical analysis of your performance. Your analysis should include specific comments about your performance during the lesson with regard to instructional, assessment, and management skills. Include comments about the integration of technology if appropriate.   

·         Also after reviewing, edit your video so that have three clips that will each be uploaded to TaskStream for this entry.  Name the clips as follows: opening, implementation, closure. These clips should include the following:

o   Clip 1: Opening – This clip should be no more than 5 minutes and show the opening of the lesson, review, and statement of objectives

o   Clip 2: Implementation – This clip should be no more than 10 minutes and show the implementation of a lesson activity, instruction, monitoring and interacting with students

o   Clip 3: Closure – This clip should be no more than 5 minutes and show the closure of the lesson with students ending the activity and the teacher conducting closure questions and student responding

Note:  If you plan to edit your video in the Digital Media Studio, watch your video before bringing it in to import, find the three clips that you want, and make a note of the time it occurs on the tape.  This will allow you to edit your submission without having to watch the entire video when you come into the lab, saving everyone time.

Two items will be submitted:  a 3-minute video and a written anaylsis of your performance.  Be sure to review the rubic so that you include everything that is required.
Your University SupervisorRubric
Showcase PortfolioThe Showcase Portfolio is a compilation of items you have already submitted in Taskstream.  You will collect these items in a web folio in TaskStream.  They will be submitted in TaskStream and you will also copy the Portfolio to a CD that will be turned in with your Professional Notebook.  You should also keep a copy of the CD for yourself to use when you are applying for jobs.

Your University SupervisorMeets/Does Not Meet Requirements
Download check of requirements
Final AssessmentEnter your student ID and agree to be evaluated, then submit to University supervisor and Classroom supervisor to receive final assessment.  This rubric will be completed by your university supervisor and your classroom supervisor based on your overall performance for the entire student teaching semester.Your University Supervisor
Your Classroom Supervisor
Seven Special Lesson Plans

For each of the seven lesson plans required,  you will choose a lesson plan that you have created and taught (or will teach) in your student teaching classroom that demonstrates the specific area of expertise required in the assignment. Each lesson plan should be submitted to your University Supervisor for evaluation.


Choose a lesson plan that demonstrates your expertise in your content.  Provide a 5 – 7 sentence professional reflection that explains why you choose this lesson plan to demonstrate your content knowledge.  An example of a professional reflection for a lesson plan demonstrating content knowledge might be:

 This lesson plan displays my expertise of the content area in many different ways. I showed my knowledge of the material taught by teaching the students via the textbook and PowerPoint about the various aspects of this content. I also lead the students in a graphic organizer to organize the content knowledge. I created a worksheet which covered the content knowledge in an organized format. The vocabulary PowerPoint shows my knowledge of the vocabulary that refers to the content area. I have a deep understanding of the vocabulary and content taught in this lesson.

 There are other ways that your knowledge or expertise may be evidenced in a lesson plan – this is just one example for you to use as a guide as you write your own statements.


 This lesson plan should demonstrate your knowledge of the content standards and benchmarks for the content area and grade level being taught as well as your ability to design a lesson where the GLEs, objectives, activities, and assessment are aligned.  Provide a 5 – 7 sentence professional reflection that explains why you choose this lesson plan.


 Pedagogy is defined as “the art or method of teaching, the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill.”  For this submission, chose a lesson plan that demonstrates your ability to choose appropriate activities for delivering the content and enhancing instruction.  Provide a 5 – 7 sentence professional reflection that explains why you choose this lesson plan.


 This lesson plan should show your ability to meet the needs of all students in your classroom.  A lesson plan at the target level would include the following:

  •  Three or more accommodations to address special needs and/or cultural diversity
  •  Activities that address three or more learning modalities (visual, auditory, tactile/haptic, kinesthetic, etc.)

 Provide a 5 – 7 sentence professional reflection that explains why you choose this lesson plan.


 This lesson plan should demonstrate your ability to assess the learning of your students.  A lesson plan at the target level would include the following:

  •  Is aligned perfectly with benchmarks, objectives, and activities (For example, if the objectives states that students will be able to “explain” or “describe,” the test items must also be items that ask them to explain or describe, not items such as multiple choice, matching, or fill-in-the-blank.)
  • Demonstrates both informal and formal methods of assessment
  • Appropriate artifacts included as documentation (e.g., checklist used during an informal assessment, copy of worksheet taken as a grade)

 Provide a 5 – 7 sentence professional reflection that contains a description of the assessments used, how they were used to assess learning, and explains why you choose this lesson plan.


 Select a lesson plan that demonstrates your ability to incorporate technology into your lesson.  LaTAAP defines technology as “any electronic tool used for problem solving, communicating clearly, processing information, increasing productivity, accomplishing a task, making informed decisions, and enhancing the quality of life.  The lesson should contain teacher use of technology as well as student use of technology.  Provide a 5 – 7 sentence professional reflection that explains why you choose this lesson plan and why it is appropriately integrated into the instructional process.


 The lesson plan chosen for this submission should demonstrate your ability to incorporate the community into the lesson.  Examples of ways this can be done include (but are not limited to) the following:

  •  Bring in a speaker from the community
  • Use community resources (e.g., videotaped city council meeting)
  • Field trips into the community that support the current lesson
  • Use of materials or aids normally available in the community that support the current lesson (e.g., community agency brochures, local government websites, etc.)

Provide a 5 – 7 sentence professional reflection that explains the community connection and how it relates to the content being taught and why you chose this lesson plan.


Your University SupervisorRubric
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Lesson Plan Resources
Writing Objectives
Specific, measurable outcomes expected of the learners at the conclusion of the lesson.  Objectives should identify either knowledge to be gained or skills to be acquired.  Objectives should NOT state what students or the teacher will be doing during the lesson (this would describe activities, not outcomes).  
ULM lesson plan form (blank)

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Technical support for online instruction:  Contact Sheau Yun Choo  x5031
Instructional support for online instruction: Paula Thornhill  x1032
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