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2022 Women's Symposium Keynote Speaker


keynote 2022

Leslie Durham  

Delta Regional Authority  
Alternate Federal Co-Chairwoman


Leslie Dandridge Durham was appointed Delta Regional Authority Alternate Federal Co Chairwoman by President Joseph R. Biden on October 22, 2021. 

Born and raised in Tensas Parish, Louisiana, Durham attended the University of Louisiana at  Monroe, and since January 2016 has served as Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards’s DRA  Designee. She previously worked for Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco as Director of  Renewal Communities and Delta Regional Authority Designee, during which she was named the  2007 Louisiana Planning and Development District’s Person of the Year. Durham is a double  graduate of DRA’s Delta Leadership Institute Executive Academy, both in its inaugural year of  2006 and again in 2017, in which she also completed the Authentic Leadership Executive  Education Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. On  July 31, 2021, the Louisiana Municipal Association awarded Durham with the LMA President’s  Award for her years of commitment to Louisiana Local Governments. 

In addition to her role as Louisiana Designee to the Delta Regional Authority, Governor Edwards  appointed Durham to serve on the following: 
