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Business & Social Sciences

Faculty Fellowship Program

The College's Faculty Fellowship Program is designed to recognize and support the ongoing and substantial excellence of the College faculty.

Faculty in the College have a long history of being dedicated to educational excellence. They are well-known scholars, caring mentors, distinguished role models, and challenging classroom instructors. Accreditation by the premier accreditation agencies in the world, such as AACSB-International, the Aviation Accreditation Board International, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, and the American Council for Construction Education, provides external validation that our faculty are delivering some of the highest quality academic programs in the world. Since our faculty provide students with the best in business education, they deserve the best support and recognition we can provide.

One of the initiatives to provide support and recognition of our College faculty is the Faculty Fellowship Program, established to receive tax-deductible private gifts through the ULM Foundation. Funds generated through this Program will be used by faculty to support travel, professional development, research, and other educational-related purposes.

Naming Opportunities

Alumni and friends who support the Program at a giving level of $2,000 per year for a three-year period will have the ability to name a Faculty Fellowship for the period. This program provides a great opportunity to support our outstanding faculty and allows supporters to honor and recognize a family member, former professor, company, or other chosen individual or cause. Faculty fellowships will be posted on the College's web site and printed materials.

To support our faculty fellowship program, or to request more information, contact:

Dean Ron Berry

Current Faculty Fellowships

Learn more about current College faculty fellowships and their recipients here.
